Shooting Stars
Season 6
Number 4
Writer Danny Cannon
Director Danny Cannon
Original Airdate October 13, 2005

Shooting Stars is the fourth episode of season six of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.


The CSIs are called in when a homeowner finds a disheveled group of teenagers dumping a body in his yard.

It is soon discovered that the group is a cult, but when Grissom and Catherine find the cult's headquarters, they find the members all dead from what appears to be a mass suicide.

As the team investigates further, they find out that the mass suicide didn't go as the cult leader planned.


  • Warrick's wife Tina is featured in this episode. She works at a hospital with her ex.
  • The Orionids Meteor Showers are considered a Major meteor shower. They scheduled to appear October 21, 2005.
  • Nick hesitates at first to go into the bunker. This is a reminder of when he was buried alive in the two-part Season 5 "Grave Danger, Part 1" and "Grave Danger, Part 2."


  • When Grissom goes to enter the underground compound he only has his flashlight on his belt (on his back). What happened to the canteen he was wearing when he started? In later scenes inside the compound, he has it back on.
  • In the scene showing the meteor shower we can estimate five meteors per second (300 per minute) The actual maximum rate of the Orionids is 15 per minute or one every four seconds. A less than impressive shower from Comet Halley's particles.
  • Grissom looks up at a meteor shower he identifies as the Orionid shower. The camera shows a sky scene with the constellation Orion in the background, and a number of meteor trails moving from left to right across the star formation. This is dead wrong. Meteor showers are named for the region of the sky they appear to be coming from, e.g., Leonid (Leo), Perseid (Perseus). The meteor trails should appear to be coming straight at the viewer from Orion, not crossing it.
  • When Catherine finds the bowl full of burnt letters, Grissom tries to photograph the bowl in the state the cult members left it in. However, she rifled through and disturb the scene before he takes the pictures.


Grissom: The methodology here appears to be similar to the Heavens Gate Cult in California several years ago. They committed mass suicide to shed their Earthly bodies and hitch a ride on the spaceship hidden in the tail of a Hale-Bopp comet.
Catherine (after finding semen on the bed sheets): Well, these Earthly bodies got a good workout first. Big room, big bed, light show. This cult was about gettin' laid.
Grissom: Well, Jim Jones and Charles Manson used sex to manipulate their followers. I'm guessing that they were timing their suicide to the Orionid meteor shower last night.
Catherine: So while you were watching shooting stars, they were dying?
Grissom: There's 12 bunks in there, one bed in here, there should be 13 bodies.
Catherine: Two people are missing.
Grissom: Maybe they caught the space ship.
Catherine (pulls out the bowl of burnt letters): Would you settle for a flying saucer?

David: Looks like a money belt.
Dr. Robbins: Gives new meaning to strapped for cash.

Grissom (to Catherine): Are you having the same mirage, as I am?
Catherine: Yeah, a silver Beamer in the middle of the damn desert.

Greg (to Sara): I also found a melted name tag with a sun burst logo. Figured I'd let my finger do the walking.
Sara: You scanned the Yellow Pages.
Greg: I knew the first three letters. By the way, do you know how many companies in Las Vegas start with S-U-N?
Sara: I so don't care.

See Also
